Gintama (銀魂), adalah sebuah manga Jepang yg ditulis oleh Hideaki Sorachi. Juga ada versi Anime, bersetting di Edo (sebutan untuk Tokyo dulu) yang telah ditaklukan oleh penjajah yang bernama Amanto. cerita mngikuti sudut pandang dari samurai yag bernama Gintoki Sakata yang bekerja sebagai freelancer bersama Kagura dan Shimura Shinpachi.
Menurut hemat saya. Gintama, khususnya yg seri anime, (karena memang saya lebih suka nonton animenya darpada baca komiknya), merupakan salah satu anime yg sangat saya suka, mulai dari alur cerita yang konyol, tak bisa ditebak, mengharukan, dan yg paling menarik buat saya, didalamnya terdapat banyak quote2 ato kata2 mutiara yg sangat2 jlep.
Berikut beberapa yg dapat saya posting disini;
Indonesian Quotes;
· Saat yg paling berbahaya dalam berburu adalah saat menangkap mangsamu,
semakin besar mangsa, kau akan semakin lengah,
semakin besar mangsa, kau akan semakin lengah,
· Ada benang tipis yang membatasi, antara kelemahan dan kekuatan,
· Sesuatu yg penting itu, sukar dilihat,
· Aku tak berniat untuk melihat ke belakang tak peduli siapapun itu yg jatuh,
· Aku akan memikul beban itu dan terus melangkah maju, itu saja,,,
· Agar saat berakhir nanti, mereka takkan menertawakanku,
· Saat aku yakin pada diriku sendiri,
· Aku akan bisa melihat semuanya dengan jelas,
· Setiap orang adalah seorang pelarian dari penjara yang disebut; “DIRI SENDIRI”,
· Ada hampir 100% kemungkinan untuk melupakan payung plastik dan lalu membenci diri sendiri,
· Manusia adalah makhluk yang kerjaanya makan, kerja, & tidur,
Jika salah satu dari ketiganya telah dirasa nikmat, maka yang lainnya pun akan sama nikmatnya,
Dan ketika ketiganya telah dirasa nikmat, orang-orang akan mulai merasakan nikmatnya hidup ini,
Jika salah satu dari ketiganya telah dirasa nikmat, maka yang lainnya pun akan sama nikmatnya,
Dan ketika ketiganya telah dirasa nikmat, orang-orang akan mulai merasakan nikmatnya hidup ini,
· Berpikirlah positif,
Dunia adalah cerminan isi hatimu,
Ketika kau mengubah pola pikir,
dunia juga akan berubah menjadi warna yg indah,
Dunia adalah cerminan isi hatimu,
Ketika kau mengubah pola pikir,
dunia juga akan berubah menjadi warna yg indah,
· Menjadikan jiwa kita indah itu jauh lebih bermakna,
· Saling membahayakan diri, tidak akan menyelesaikan apa-apa,
kalau kau benar-benar ingin hidup dalam kenyataan, lawan mereka!!
kalau kau benar-benar ingin hidup dalam kenyataan, lawan mereka!!
· Ciptakan nasibmu sendiri dan hidup dalam kenyataanmu sendiri!!
· Bukankah itu kebenaran tentang kehidupan,
· Yang kau butuhkan hanyalah simpati, perhatian, dan kebaikan,
· Bertanyalah meski kita telah memenangkan perang,
· Kalau orang yg slalu berada didekatnya menghilang,
· Mereka akan menyadari betapa pentingnya orang itu,
· Benar, tak peduli pria ataupun wanita,
· Adalah makhluk yg paling bahagia saat dicintai,
· Akan terlihat mudah saat kau di jalur yg benar,
· Tapi, sekali kau jatuh, hampir mustahil kembali ke jalur semula,
· Tak peduli apa yg kau gunakan,
yg penting apa yg kau berikan,
yg penting apa yg kau berikan,
· Semua langit itu sama, ia tidak membedakan orang satu dgn yg lain,
ia menyinari orang dgn sinar yg sama,
tp terkadang, ia menguji kita,
ketika malam datang, matahari digelapkan oleh mendung dan hujan,
meski begitu, kita tetap tak kehilangan arah,
tak ada malam yg tak berakhir,
tak ada hujan yg tak berhenti,
selama matahari itu bersinar di hati ini,
kita takkan kehilangan arah,
tapi kita tak sadar bahwa,
semakin terang mentari bersinar,
semakin gelap bayangan yg terbentuk,
ia menyinari orang dgn sinar yg sama,
tp terkadang, ia menguji kita,
ketika malam datang, matahari digelapkan oleh mendung dan hujan,
meski begitu, kita tetap tak kehilangan arah,
tak ada malam yg tak berakhir,
tak ada hujan yg tak berhenti,
selama matahari itu bersinar di hati ini,
kita takkan kehilangan arah,
tapi kita tak sadar bahwa,
semakin terang mentari bersinar,
semakin gelap bayangan yg terbentuk,
· Mereka yg berdiri dengan keempat kaki adalah binatang buas,
· Mereka yg berdiri dengan kedua kaki, ketekunan, dan kebanggaan adalah seorang lelaki,
· Ketika kau dijauhi dan dibenci lebih dari siapapun,
Kau akan iri dan menginginkannya lebih dari siapapun,
Namun, ketika kau menemukan sesuatu yg benar-benar kau inginkan,
Kau tidak punya senjata untuk mendapatkannya,
Kau hanya bisa menusukkan cakarmu padanya,
Semakin kau coba mendekatinya, semakin dalam cakarmu menusuknya,
Semakin kau coba menjangkau mereka, semakin jauh jarakmu dengannya,
Itu karena ada kasih sayang dibalik semua komplainan,
Karena, keluhan itu hanya ungkapan cinta ketika sesuatu tidak sejalan denganmu,
Kau akan iri dan menginginkannya lebih dari siapapun,
Namun, ketika kau menemukan sesuatu yg benar-benar kau inginkan,
Kau tidak punya senjata untuk mendapatkannya,
Kau hanya bisa menusukkan cakarmu padanya,
Semakin kau coba mendekatinya, semakin dalam cakarmu menusuknya,
Semakin kau coba menjangkau mereka, semakin jauh jarakmu dengannya,
Itu karena ada kasih sayang dibalik semua komplainan,
Karena, keluhan itu hanya ungkapan cinta ketika sesuatu tidak sejalan denganmu,
· Sangat penting untuk memiliki seseorang yang bisa menerima segala kelemahan dan kekurangan,
· Lari dari cinta hanya akan menimbulkan penyesalan,
· Bahkan sekarang,
aku tak bisa memberi kata perpisahan ataupun airmata,
dalam situasi seperti ini, aku hanya bisa tersenyum,
aku tak bisa memberi kata perpisahan ataupun airmata,
dalam situasi seperti ini, aku hanya bisa tersenyum,
· Kau tak tahu apa yg telah kau dapat, hingga sesuatu itu hilang,
· Dan kau tak tahu, kapan itu hilang,
· Bagaimana kau bisa menatap puncak gunung,
Perjalanan menuju puncak akan tumbuh lebih lambat jika kau meremehkan drimu sendiri,
Perjalanan menuju puncak akan tumbuh lebih lambat jika kau meremehkan drimu sendiri,
· Sebuah puncak tidak melihat seberapa lemah kecilnya kau,
Itu ada untuk memberi petunjuk,
Jika kau melewati jalan samping, kau akan menghabiskan banyak waktumu,
Kau bisa saja menghilangkan separuh perjalananmu itu,
Namun, saat itu, kau dapat melihat pemandangan yg keren,
Itu ada untuk memberi petunjuk,
Jika kau melewati jalan samping, kau akan menghabiskan banyak waktumu,
Kau bisa saja menghilangkan separuh perjalananmu itu,
Namun, saat itu, kau dapat melihat pemandangan yg keren,
· Kau seharusnya belajar sebelum mulai beraksi,
· Saat kau masih hidup, kau bisa menemukan harapan yg tergeletak di sekitarmu,
· Saat temanmu sedang terluka,
Kau akan membuat jalanmu sendiri,
jika itu yg dibutuhkan agar temanmu bisa kembali,
Kau akan membuat jalanmu sendiri,
jika itu yg dibutuhkan agar temanmu bisa kembali,
· Kau tak boleh lari,
dari sesuatu yg kau ingin rebut kembali,
dari sesuatu yg kau ingin rebut kembali,
· Gak ada gunanya menginginkan sesuatu yg telah pergi, hanyalah kesedihan yg tersisa,
· Tapi, akan lebih menyakitkan lagi, jika melepaskannya,
· Menyakitkan, jika mempertahankan atau melepaskan sesuatu yg tidak akan pernah bisa kau dapatkan kembali,
· Jika semuanya menyakitkan, aku lebih baik menderita karena berusaha melindunginya,
· Aku tidak membutuhkan sebuah alasan untuk mulai bertindak,
· Jika mereka memiliki sesuatu yg harus dilindungi, mereka akan mengeluarkan pedang mereka,
· Aku sudah tidak punya apapun,
Tapi setidaknya, jika ada sesuatu yg jatuh didepan mataku aku akan mengambilnya,
Tapi setidaknya, jika ada sesuatu yg jatuh didepan mataku aku akan mengambilnya,
· Bahkan, jika pada saatnya ketika kau harus menyerahkan pedangmu,
jangan pernah kehilangan keteguhan pedang yg ada dalam jiwamu,
jangan pernah kehilangan keteguhan pedang yg ada dalam jiwamu,
· Jika kau mempunyai waktu untuk memilih akhir yg baik,
kenapa tidak kau jalani saja kehidupanmu dengan baik sampai akhir,
kenapa tidak kau jalani saja kehidupanmu dengan baik sampai akhir,
English Quotes;
· No matter what you choose, I’m sure you will continue to waver. But what’s wrong with that? If life were so clear-cut then neither men, women, you or me would be leading such painful lives. We’re all in the same boat. You’re not the only one who’s lost.
· (To Hijikata, anime only) “You can slash away any number of men, but you can never betray a girl’s innocence.”
· (To Hijikata) “I’m the same way. A long time ago I did something a lot like that. There were two things I wanted to protect. I didn’t want to lose either of them. But it ended up where if I didn’t throw one of them, I would end up losing both. I tried to protect both, but that was the same throwing both away… Even now, I dream about it… Wondering if there was some better way.”
· (To Kagura) “Here we don’t call someone who could hold a scooter with one hand a girl, we call them mountain gorilla”
· (To the loan shark Amanto) “The country? The skies? You can have them! I’m busy enough protecting what’s in front of me. I don’t know how many times I failed to protect what I wanted. I have nothing left, so at least if something has fallen at my feet I’ll pick it up.”
· (To Terada Tatsugorou grave) “I won’t forget this favor, the old lady probably doesn’t have much time left. From now on, I’ll protect her for you.”
· (To Katsura) “What’s the use of fighting a futile fights? Do you really intend to lose more of your friends for something like that? I’ll pass on that, as long as I’m alive I’ll live by my own rules. I’ll live how I see beautiful and protect those I hold dear.”
· (To Hasegawa) “So what if the government collapses or the country is ruined! I’m not civic-minded! All I want is to stand tall, and live on until the day I collapse and die!”
· (To Katsura) “If you’ve got enough free time to fantasize about your beautiful death… Why don’t you just live your life beautifully to the end?”
· (To Shinpachi) “A samurai doesn’t need a reason to take action. If something needs saving, all you have to do is grab your sword. Do you love your sister?”
· (To Katsura) “All of the sudden I’m feeling this weight again. If I threw it away it might be easier, but somehow I don’t feel like it. It would be too boring to keep walking without them.”
· (To Daraku) “Listen, I don’t care what you do around the universe, but this is my sword, and anywhere it reaches is my country!”
· (To Daraku) “Bastards who mess with my things, whether it’s a general, space pirates or meteorites, I’ll crush them!”
· (To Hasegawa) “Men don’t need to speak the same language, they can communicate with their soul.”
· (To Sakamoto) “Sorry, but despite how I look, I really love this planet.”
· (To Sakamoto) “I’ll just relax here and cast my fishing line, I’ll catch a shooting star or two and release them to the sky.”
· (To Hijikata) “Whether I go or not I’ll die anyway, I have an organ more important than my heart. Although you can’t see it, I feel it going through my head down to my feet, and I know it exist within me. It lets me stand on my feet, it lets me walk forward without trembling. If I stop here, I feel like it would break…. My soul will break.”
· (To Umibouzu ) “Relax. I have no intention on taking that annoying brat back, of course I have no intention on dying here, but I have no intention on letting her die either.”
· (To Umibouzu ) “I don’t really get the little things, but if you have a caring parent what more would you need? I had always wanted a family like yours.”
· (To Nizou) “Those who can easily kill others are shit-heads who can’t even see the pain of others, even if your whole body can see, your soul can’t see a thing.”
· (To Kanshichirou) “Maybe, after you grow a little more and you still remember about me, come and find me again. I’ll be glad to do more things with you then.”
· (To Kanshichirou) “Oh, it’s a promise. A samurai never makes a promise he can’t keep. Laugh a lot, cry a lot, and hurry grow to become an adult, I’ll be waiting”
· (To Kondo Isao ) “I told you, Mako-chan is your image mascot. Stupidly and barbaricly protecting the peace of Edo”
· (To Katsura) “Zura if you ever change, I’ll be the first one to cut you down”
· (To Okuni) “You know, in our lives we are not readers but we are writers, the least we could do is change the ending”
· (To Marinosuke) “If we’re unable to climb down the mountain, then we won’t know whether there’s another mountain to climb up”
· (To Shimura Shinpachi) “We’re not here for justice or whatever and not for your sister either, we’re here for you”
· (To Yagyuu house 1st head along with Shinmura Shinpachi) “The world that surpasses men and women? I could careless idiot! People who let their love ones cry, doesn’t matter if it’s man or woman, are all scumbags who needs to be punished!”
· (To Ryuzan) “Hey dad, she’s not in rebellious phase, it’s time to let your little girl grow up, you can’t keep taking baths with her forever you know!”
· (To Tama) “The ability to feel pain, is important for a living thing. We all live our lifes in troublesome meachine in one way or another, sometimes they leak oil. When that happens let it all out, if it doesn’t stop then we’ll help you clean it”
· (To Bansai) “Then and now, what I protect has never changed.”
· (To Bansai) “I’ll give you a limb or two. However, no matter how many you cut… this string… this rotten bond… If you think you can cut it, then just try!”
· (To Kyoujirou) “Stop trying to act cool! If you really think the old man as your farther, live on! I don’t care if you could only take is a single flower but visit his grave and live on!”
· (To Katsura) “Compared to being young and beautiful, it’s a much harder task to live and walk honestly even with a crooked back, when raising our souls beautifully is far more meaningful”
· (To Otohime) “Why did you wait for him for hundreds and thousand of years, why among the hundreds and thousand words you’ve heard, only his words that you couldn’t forget? Isn’t because he looked through your soul when he said it? didn’t you fall in love with that man’s soul? So what if you’re covered in wrinkles and your back is bent? whether you wear dentures or you’re covered with age spots or you’ve gone senile, LIVE! Live on and greet him with that wrinkled face of yours”
· (To Shinpachi) “I’m not interested on keeping anyone around who isn’t willing to share, even if he’s an animal.”
· (To Sadaharu) “The Sakata family will always share when times are tough, with food and also pain.”
· (To Tsuu’s Father) “The best way to live a full life is to be a child, no matter what your age.”
· (To Tama) “I didn’t forget it…. I couldn’t if I tried. Because the colors of all you idiots are mixed into it.”
· (To Shachi) “You may be a powerless prisoner locked in a cell, but no man can put a lock on you or anyone else’s dream. Release from this cold cell your dream.”
· (To criminal pigs) “If it’s a shinigami you want, there’s one right here, you buncha criminal pigs.”
· Even if you need to use that sword as a cane, move forward!”
· ( To Kurokono Tasuke) ” A shadow won’t appear on the ground unless there’s at least a little bit of light . If just one person remembered, you won’t get any punishment. So, if something happens, come and help us again. Kurokono.”
· (To Takasugi Shinsuke) “While you’ve abandoned a hundred, I’ve connected with a thousand. While you’ve destroyed a thousand, I’ve been saved by ten thousand. So what’s an army of a few thousand? We have protected everything as just three people. We’re the Yorozuya.”
· (To Takasugi Shinsuke) “Even if I……have to use my master’s corpse as a stepping stone, Taksugi, even if I have to use your corpse as a stepping stone, I will protect the soul of his diciple, our comrade, Takasugi Shinsuke of Shouka Sonjuku. I am the disciple of Yoshida Shouyou, Sakata Gintoki.”
· (To Jiraia) “You still don’t understand? Some of the things you sacrificed were too important. You abandoned your comrades? No. You were afraid of losing your comrades. You fought alone? No! You wouldn’t have to feel the pain of solitude if you’d been alone to begin with. You abandoned your sense of self? No. You were running away from the pain you caused and the pain you endured. You’re just a coward!”
· (To Jiraia) “You don’t have the right to call yourself her master! You don’t have the strength to shoulder a student and their pain!”
· (To Shimura Tae) ” Your future.. Our future.. This world’s future.. We’ll change it for the better.”
· (To Enmi) ” No matter how it is, I’ll bear the burdens I’ve earned. And I’ll take as many crappy curses as many times it takes.”
· (To Enmi) ” Can’t save anything? No. Even a dirty sword like me, can still protect something!”
· (To Yorozuya) ” I know we’ll meet again. No matter when or where, I’ll be in Kabuki-chou, working under the Yorozuya sign.. Its a promise.”
Hijikata Toshiro Quotes;
· That messed up head of yours might’ve forgotten but I remember. And I won’t forget.
· (To Okita Sougo ) “It’s time for the Shinsengumi to shine, it’s going to be a fun fight”
· (To Sakata Gintoki ) “He may be a gorilla, but to us he’s our precious commander. He’s my comrade and with this one sword we made shinsengumi together! I won’t allow anyone disgrace our Shinsengumi, if there’s anyone who would obstruct that path, then with this sword I’ll cut him to shreds”
· (to Shinsengumi about Kondo Isao) “The Bakufu is of no use to us humans, you should a
· ll realise that by now. What are your swords for? To protect the Bakufu, to protect the Shogun? Not me. Don’t you remember? Back then, we had no education, no place to call our own. A bunch of rougues who only knew how to use a sword. Who was it that welcomed us to a filthy washed up dojo? Then when the sword ban came, the one who lost his own sword along with his dojo, and yet didn’t abandon us, who was it? The same guy who brought back our lost swords once again, who was it? For that, the only orders I take are the ones from the mouth of Kondo-san, not the Bakufu or the Shogun.”
· (To Banzou ) “Before you revolutionizing the country, why don’t you try revolutionize yourself first”
· “And here I thought love is an illusion”
· (To Hit Man Samurai 13) “Idiots who interfere with others’ love… DISAPPEAR!”
· (To Kitaooji Itsuki) “I don’t care if i lose an arm or a leg, as long as i am still breathing i’ll keep fighting, that’s a street fight for you”
· (To Yagyuu Kyuubei) “I don’t care if one of my comrades bites the bust. I’ll just kill that many more to make up for it. They don’t need any sad words. All I can do for them is… keep fighting until I croak too… and give my best, like they did.”
· (To Kondo Isao) “I will give you my life. You are charged with a responsibility in exchange for it. That is to not die! You have to live on no matter what. No matter what disgrace you have to face, and no matter how many members die in front of you, you have to carry on living! That’s because as long as you’re around the Shinsengumi won’t end. We entered the Shinsengumi because we admired you. You’re an idiot, so stop thinking about difficult things. All you have to do is continue living in your own way. We will just protect that from everyone else. Kondo-san, you’re the soul of the Shinsengumi. We are the swords who protect that.”
· (To Sakata Gintoki) “Try to commit a crime that’s worthy of this punishment. What crime will you be guilty of?”
· ( To Tokugawa Sada Sada’s guards) “Who joined forces with who to start a what d’état? Why don’t you repeat that?”
· (About Hijikata Toushirou) “I’m not going anywhere. 4th article of the Kyokuchuu Hatto. In the absence of the chief, the right to command is the vice chief and all officers are to obey him. I’m… not moving until he gives orders. I made it this far. If i’m going to save Kondou-san or abandon him, i’m going to stick with him.”
· (About Hijikata Toushirou) “Goodbye, vice captain. Why don’t you suck on some mayonnaise in the afterlife?”
· (To Sakata Gintoki ) “Boss, friendship is not something decided in one day, but it’s something formed before you know it.”
· (To Mitsuba) “Sister, I’m sorry. I truly am a useless little brother. Right until the last moment, the one who snatched away your happiness was… me.”
· (To Kagura) “What if someone you thought to be an ally was an enemy? Some things in this world aren’t meant to be known, little girl. Besides, you shouldn’t go off talking out of character like that. See? You’ve triggered my death flag.”
· (To Kagura) “Some things in this world must be protected, even if it means getting your hands dirty.”
· (To Kagura) “Sadists can’t take the heat. I wish people would be more considerate to me.”
· (To Kagura) “I guess I’ll take ya’ then. I give you are nice home where you can live a simple and quite life and have three meals a day. Behind bars that is. “
· (About Kagura) “Please rest easy princess Soyo. This one… This girl here… Won’t be dyin’ until she and I, settle a goal.”
· (To Kagura) “Then I’ve made up my mind. I’m never taking off my uniform again. There’s no way in hell I’m gonna do what you want.”
· (To Imai Nobume) “You and your big swords belong in there. It’s the perfect sheath to rest… your dull edge.”
· (To Kondo Isao) “I’ve said this many times, your worst weakness is that you’re too nice. You trust everyone without question, even itou, but it’s because of you that we got together, it’s because of someone like you that we are fighting together, and it’s only someone like you who is worth protecting with our lives.”
· (To Kamui) “Don’t make light of Earth’s policemen.”
· (To himself) “Shaking with excitement… no, that’s not it. Unfortunately I’m not scared. But my body has realized it ahead of me. That I have an enemy standing in front of me that I may not be able to defeat.”
· (To Hijikata Toushirou) “When have I taken light of my job? The only thing I’ve been making light of is you Hijikata!”(About Hijikata Toushirou) “He’s always been like that. Without any warning, he appears and… Takes away with him all the persons who are dear to me…”
· (To Inoue) “I like to fight. That’s the Yato instinct, I can’t go against it. That’s why I’ll fight with my Yato blood. I’m going to fight to change.”
· (To Inoue) “I’ve had enough of using money from hurting people, even the food’s taste turn bad! A furikake gohan after a day of hard work is more delicious!”
· (To Shimura Shinpachi) “Sorry, but I don’t want to become a burden, bye bye.”
· (To Shimura Shinpachi) “It hasn’t withered, I won’t let it wither. We might be little branches, but if the branches break then the tree will really wither. That’s why I won’t break. Even if winter comes and leaves fall off, if the wind comes and breaks all the little branches, I’ll be the last branch that won’t break. I’m sure we’ll be together in the end.”
· (To Banzou along with Shimura Shinpachi) “If you want to shoot then go ahead and shoot, whether Edo burns or what ever that has nothing to do with me! But if you shoot this person, it’ll be a problem.”
· (To Sakata Gintoki along with Shimura Shinpachi) “Without you saying, we’re already living how we wanted to. We’re here because we wanted to. We’re with you because we wanted to.”
· (To Umibouzu) “And just what would I gain if I go back to that place? I’ll stop at a tree when I like it and I’ll fly when I like it.”
· (To Umibouzu) “How I live and where I live is up to me, got it!”
· (To Sadaharu) “Sadaharu. You don’t have to worry a thing, no matter what people say I won’t abondon you. No matter how big you’ve become, I’ll always protect you.”
· (To Abuto) “I stand on the battlefield to protect what’s important to me. And if anyone’s to stand in my way, I don’t care if it’s one of my kind, my brother or anyone else… I’ll crush them all!”
· (To Katsura Kotarou) “Zura, what brings you here? Did you come to an animal hospital because regular hospitals won’t touch you?”
· (To Saigou Tokumori ) “Don’t underestimate the Yorozuya. We won’t let you hurt anyone else. You won’t have your way around here. We aren’t alone! Now that the three members of Yorozuya are together, you won’t be taking anything else from us! It’s time to show you the power that has kept Yorozuya safe.”
· (To Sakata Gintoki) “Enough already. Neither you or Gran get it. If you shoulder the burden alone and leave us behind…how are we supposed to be happy you saved our lives? How are we supposed to be happy that Gran saved us if she’s gone? If you’re gone, life won’t be any fun!”
· (To Kintarou) “Even if it’s a short life, burn hot and bright and overtake the moment. That’s my way of life.”
· (To Kintarou) “Hurry! Hurry and go! How long must he walk alone?! I’m not telling you to say good-bye. Go tell him to die. Curse and rant at him until the very end. Stay and fight with him. Stay and die with him! And that’ll do…for the two of you. That’s what you two are.”
· (To Okita Sougo) ” Showing us such a disgusting thing… What the hell am I gonna do if I can’t sleep you Bastard?!”
· (To Okita Sougo) “I heard. How you protected Soyo-chan back then. From that bothersome idiot. (..) Even if the Shinsengumi gone, the life that was saved thanks to you is still there, yes? It does not change that you protected two girls, yes? Do not worry… If you do not wear that thing, we know, we know that you are our police. No matter what you guys are doing in the future, we know. “
· (To General Gero) “I don’t care what you do to stop the conquest of the earth. But there’s two things we mustn’t interfere with when it comes to this dog. That’s the time to eat and the time to take a walk!”
· (To Shimura Shinpachi) “Everyone in Edo’s like that. They’re so cold and insensitive towards people. That’s the smart way to live your life. People like you who care about other people are idiots. In the end, the idiots are just used. But I like those idiots better.”
· (To Imai Nobume) “But please do not cry anymore. Please do not lie to yourself anymore.”
· (To Gintoki) ” Its true, there’s no way to get what we lost back. But Gin-chan will come back someday. He’ll stumble in, throwing up, and he’ll be back. If there’s no one left on the planet, who’s going to put a blanket on that drunken idiot?”
· (To Gintoki) ” You really are just like him. You show up and reform the Yorozuya, then disappear when you feel like it. Will Gin-chan come back once everything is taken care of? Once the virus is gone and Edo is back to normal, will Gin-chan come back? Or are we going to split up after you’re gone?”
· (To Gintoki) ” I’m not going to care when you’re gone. If you’re around, it’ll mess up the balance in the Yorozuya when Gin-chan comes back. And I don’t need the two of you fighting over a price like me. Once you’re done, you should leave and never come back. You don’t need to worry, I’ll tell Gin-chan. That for a while, there was someone as worthless as him in the Yorozuya. We’ll remember that there was another member of the Yorozuya.”
· (To Gintoki) ” Where are you going? Don’t you know? This film… There’s no point if you only have one of them. It only counts if you have all three. Its a three-in-one collectible!”
· (To Gintoki along with Shinpachi) ” You created a peaceful future, and we’re going to wreck it. You gave your life to protect our future, but we chose… To bring you back to that future!”
· (To Yorozuya) ” Gin-chan, Shinpachi, Sadaharu. Let me get a good look at you. There’s no guarantee that we’ll work as the Yorozuya in the future. So this might be the end. I want to get a good look at you three.”
· (To Shimura Tae) “You’re so unfair, Sis… Smiling brightly every single day, but you never show your true feelings in the slighest. Even if you’re hurt or want to cry, you’re forcing yourself to smile. Always without saying anything to anyone. You bear the burden alone, you decide alone and you end up smiling alone! Please stop forcing yourself! If you’re hurt, then tell us! I won’t let you say you’re alone! Because we all… Because we saw your crying face… We all gathered here for that one reason alone! Those guys would rather die than say it was for your sake! But you know, when you cry… there are others that share your pain! Please remember that!
· (To Shimura Tae) “Sister… Sister… Sister! It doesn’t matter if two years have passed! I can go anywhere as long as I’m with you!”
· (To loan shark amanto) “I don’t care about the dojo. I love the dojo where my sister laughed, if it only makes her cry, then I don’t need that kind of dojo!”
· (To Daraku) “This is the Samurai Country, you guys get the hell out of here!”
· (To Goemon) “Do you still call yourself human? You’re mother is a XX!!!”
· ( To Terakado Tsuu) “Scandal or not, we’ll never stop being your fans.”
· (To Banzou along with Kagura) “If you want to shoot then go ahead and shoot, whether Edo burns or what ever that has nothing to do with me! But if you shoot this person, it’ll be a problem.”
· (To Sakata Gintoki along with Kagura) “Without you saying, we’re already living how we wanted to. We’re here because we wanted to. We’re with you because we wanted to!”
· (To Sakata Gintoki and Kagura) “If you want to say that i am a SinCon that’s fine. I love my sister, i don’t want to leave her, i want to stay with her always but…if she’s going to leave with a man she truly loves, whether that man’s lazy and always late playing his rent, or a gorrilla stalker, a crazy mayo addict, a sadistic freak, madao, or a guy with hemorrhoids, as long as she’s happy that’s okay.”
· (To Sakata Gintoki and Kagura)”If i have to see my sister cry like that, i can’t just do nothing. I just want to see her smiling always, i guess that’s sibling for you”
· (To Sakata Gintoki) “Just so you know, I’ll always be at Yoruzuya, so you can think of me as a family.”
· (To Tama) “Living without protecting what needs to be protected, is the same as death to a samurai.”
· (To Sakata Gintoki) “Aren’t you supposed to be Sakata Gintoki? The man who’s let so much slip away, who’s failed to protect so much…but swore that he would never run away from his responsibilities! Didn’t you promise her husband? Once you’ve decided to protect something, you’ll protect it to the very end! Isn’t that what makes you Sakata Gintoki?! So what if Otose-san’s life was in danger? This isn’t enough to kill Otose-san off! Isn’t enough to kill us off! Isn’t enough to kill you off! Because you’re going to protect us! Because we’re going to protect you! Isn’t that what Yorozuya is about? Isn’t that how the three of us protected so much over the years?”
· (To Gintoki) ” If you’re in this planet for tourism, you’re either have real guts or a complete moron. If you don’t want to die, go home. Country bumpkin or thug, I’m not letting anyone else make things worse in this town. But if you people think that wearing a mask can protect you from the white plague, maybe you are the dumb ones.”
· (To Kagura) ” Talking about it won’t change what happened. No matter how much we want it back, those days are long gone. The job he left behind.. I’m going to finish it. I’m going to stop the white plague!”
· (To Gintoki) ” This is the world where we met him. I don’t want to abandon the Yorozuya’s home world or the fact that I worked here.”
· (To Gintoki) ” Are you goofing off the first thing in the morning? You haven’t forgotten the promise you made with my sister and us have you?”
· (To Gintoki) ” We kept them this whole time. As worthless as it might be, it was the last memory we had of him. We thought that one day, we’d have the complete set again. But now.. But now..! Why are you leaving again?! And we finally got to see you again! You’re going to leave us, leave everyone behind and run off somewhere?! Gin-san!”
· (To Gintoki along with Kagura) ” You created a peaceful future, and we’re going to wreck it. You gave your life to protect our future, but we chose… To bring you back to that future!”
· (To Okita Sougo) “we were picked up by the bakufu, if the bakufu didn’t exist we would not be here today a warrior always returns the favors with the utmost devotion”
· (To Kiira) “Monkeys we may be, but we’re monkey with nerves of steel and hearts of samurai!”
· (To Terakado Tsuu) “No matter how much people hate us, no matter how much we’re ridiculed, but we’ll definietly not become men who can’t protect the things that need to be protected.”
· (To Shinsengumi) “Draw your swords! Even if you have to step over my dead body, you have things you need to protect, now come at me!”
· (To Okita Sougo) “I don’t care about that gap you created on your own. I’ll jump across it as many times as it takes, and punch some sense into you.”
· “If someone went the wrong way, the other two would beat him up until he got back on track. That’s how it always been. That’s why we’ll always stay on the right path!”
· (To the Jouishishi) Man, so much for the Shinsengumi. Now we’re right back to being Joui rebels out to take down the Shogunate.
· (To Oboro) You need to look carefully both above and below. That’s an iron rule of surveillance, Crow-kun.